Luxury sheer seamed tights with a lurex seam. Comfortable, elegant and sophisticated 20 denier sheer to waist tights made of double covered yarn, which provides more durability. The elegant soft gloss on the reverse side is the perfect detail for everyday glamour. Tights are made of polyamide and elastane, with a cotton gusset and compacted toe.
Роскошные прозрачные колготки со швом из люрекса. Удобные, элегантные и изысканные прозрачные до талии колготки плотностью 20 ден из пряжи с двойным покрытием, обеспечивающей большую прочность. Элегантный мягкий глянец на изнаночной стороне — идеальная деталь для повседневного гламура. Колготки изготовлены из полиамида и эластана, с хлопковой ластовицей и уплотненным мыском.
I enjoy the Conte products. The pantyhose fit so well and the re-enforcement on the toe area are great. Helps to make the pantyhose or stockings last. They are silky and smooth. As a male that wears pantyhose or stockings each day I would say conte are the BEST
Conte Class 20 Den - Elegant Thin Stockings for Women (8С-90СП)
Love their products
I lover the quality of the product and how quickly I can get it get delivered, always reliable and communicate really well.
Conte Active #19С-185СП(179) - Lot of 2 pairs Openwork Cotton Women's Socks
Terry Schumann
High quality pantyhose
Conte Prestige 40 Den - Classic Sheer to Waist T-top Women's Tights (8С-45СП)
Joey Baker
Very nice tights will order more
Conte Prestige 40 Den - Classic Sheer to Waist T-top Women's Tights (8С-45СП)
Terry Schumann
The Perfect Pantyhose
I love your offerings and the purchasing is easy. I will be ordering my pantyhose here from now on.
Conte Solo 70 Den - Classic Women's Tights With a Reinforced Shorts (15С-43СП)